> Farm Bureau® News

Farm Families Can Help in the Fight Against Opioid Addiction



Erin Anthony

Director, Communications

photo credit: Deterra System

Erin Anthony

Director, Communications

The SAFE Project and the at-home drug disposal experts at Deterra System are teaming up to provide at-home drug disposal pouches to households across the U.S. – for free. In light of decreased access to drug take-back sites due to COVID-19 public safety concerns, people can go online and request a large Deterra Pouch to permanently and safely dispose of unused medications.

The Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation has distributed more than 15,000 pouches to families across the state through “Farm Town Strong” efforts and encourages other state Farm Bureaus to take advantage of this resource. Help stop the cycle of drug misuse in the home by disposing of your unwanted medications. Request your pouch at DeterraSystem.com/SAFE through May 16.