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USDA Encourages Rural Communities to Tap Into Loans for Water Infrastructure

Erin Anthony

Director, Communications

Erin Anthony

Director, Communications

Through its Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant program, USDA is providing $4 billion to help rural communities and water districts maintain, modernize or build water and wastewater systems.

The funding is targeted at rural communities with 10,000 or fewer residents, like Greenview, Illinois, a village with a population of 788. Greenview is receiving a $4.9 million loan and a $3.7 million grant to construct a wastewater collection and treatment facility. The system will collect and convey wastewater via a centralized pumping station. From there, the wastewater will be transferred to a contained mechanical treatment system. Once it’s treated, the water will be released to Grove Creek. This project will alleviate health hazards caused by private septic or aeration systems that discharge effluent into drainage fields, resulting in raw sewage backups in homes during major rainfalls.

Eligible rural communities and water districts can apply via the RD Apply tool or through one of USDA Rural Development’s state or field offices.