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Senate Ag Committee Releases Farm Bill Draft

Erin Anthony

Director, Communications

Erin Anthony

Director, Communications

In light of the economic storm farmers and ranchers are facing, the American Farm Bureau Federation said the Senate Agriculture Committee’s release this afternoon of its draft farm bill text is “a crucial step to move the farm bill process forward.” The committee is scheduled to mark up the bill on Wednesday, June 13.

“Farm income is at a decade low. Farm debt is on the rise and international markets for our farm goods are in jeopardy. The Senate Agriculture Committee, led by Chairman Pat Roberts and Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow, have worked hard to address those economic challenges and assemble a bipartisan bill that provides the clarity, policy certainty and vital risk protection tools that our farmers need now more than ever,” AFBF President Zippy Duvall said in a statement.

Farmers and ranchers are looking forward to next week’s mark up and to working with the Senate to get the bill approved, according to Duvall.

“It is important that the Senate bill strike a balance that will help set the overall congressional tone for getting the farm bill done this year,” he said.

Details and the draft text are available on the Senate Agriculture Committee website.