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‘Right This Very Minute’: First Book from Feeding Minds Press Now Available for Purchase

Erin Anthony

Director, Communications

photo credit: AFBF

Erin Anthony

Director, Communications

“Right This Very Minute: A Table-to-Farm Book About Food and Farming,” the first book from Feeding Minds Press, is available now. The book, written by Lisl H. Detlefsen and illustrated by Renée Kurilla, follows children through a day of meals, snacks and dessert to explore what farmers and ranchers are doing “right this very minute” to put food on our tables. “Right This Very Minute” is geared toward children in kindergarten through third grade and can be purchased through the Farm Bureau Store.

Visitors to Feeding Minds Press website can look inside “Right This Very Minute” as well as check out videos made by real farmers showing what “right this very minute” entails for them. In this video, New York farmer Paul Molesky shows us how technology helps him milk his cows.

Also on the site is a sample lesson plan from the “Right This Very Minute” educator’s guide, which includes seven lessons that encourage students to dig deeper into thinking about where the food on their plates originated. The guide is available for purchase through the Farm Bureau Store.

In addition, the Feeding Minds Press website features videos addressing some of the questions children might come up with as they read the book, such as where do eggs come from? And how do potatoes grow?

To complement the book, the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture is offering a Snacks Ag Mag in which kids can discover the history behind some of the most popular snack foods and get ideas for new snacking options. The Ag Mag is also available through the Farm Bureau Store.

Feeding Minds Press was launched in 2018 by the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture with the goal of publishing accurate and engaging books about agriculture that showcase farmers’ and ranchers’ use of modern technology.

“‘Right This Very Minute’ is a great example of Feeding Minds Press’ very specific editorial focus,” said Julia Recko, director of education outreach for the Foundation. “It demonstrates the diversity of farms and ranches, but emphasize that no matter the size, what they grow or where they’re located, they’re all relevant and important to every one of us.”

If you have an interesting and accurate story to tell children about agriculture, please consider submitting a proposal to Feeding Minds Press here: http://www.feedingmindspress.com/submissions

Feeding Minds Press

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