> Farm Bureau® News

Recess Week, an Opportunity to Contact Lawmakers About the Farm Bill


Farm Bill

Erin Anthony

Director, Communications

photo credit: Mark Stebnicki, North Carolina Farm Bureau

Erin Anthony

Director, Communications

With members of Congress on recess for district/state work periods through May 6, this week provides a window of opportunity to contact them and urge support for the farm bill. It’s imperative that every member of Congress hears from as many farmers and ranchers as possible. Quick action on the bill is expected on the House floor in May, with Senate action likely to follow.

The long-awaited new farm bill (H.R. 2, the Agriculture and Nutrition Act of 2018) addresses many long-standing issues important to farmers and ranchers by improving several programs including dairy, Agriculture Risk Coverage, federal crop insurance, conservation, specialty crop, and research and development; in addition to providing much-needed help for cotton farmers in the commodity title.

The legislation recognizes the hardships farmers are facing due to the current farm economy crisis. But the bill faces several potential challenges, including being broken apart and delays that would prevent its passage before the current law expires this fall. Farmers and ranchers can help by sending email messages to members of Congress urging them to support the legislation and keep it moving forward. Learn how at https://www.fb.org/advocacy/farmbill/. You can also tweet to your members of Congress about the farm bill. Find their Twitter handles here. Farmers and ranchers are also encouraged to attend town hall meetings, if possible, and press for support for the farm bill.

Farm Bureau will work with members of both the House and Senate to complete work on a bipartisan, bicameral bill that can be signed into law to sustain our nation’s food security. Learn more at https://www.fb.org/issues/farm-policy/farm-bureau-farm-bill-resources-in-depth/.

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