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Feeding Minds Press Accepting Manuscripts for a Limited Time

Erin Anthony

Director, Communications

Erin Anthony

Director, Communications

With one book already set for delivery at the beginning of next year, the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture’s newly launched Feeding Minds Press is issuing an open call for manuscripts through March.

Finding engaging and, most importantly, accurate books about agriculture for children is becoming more difficult each year, prompting the Foundation to launch its own publication house, Feeding Minds Press.

“Children’s books can be powerful tools to help students understand where their food comes from, which is why it’s so important that they be available in classrooms and libraries across the country. So, we decided to publish our own books that meet the Foundation’s criteria for telling compelling and accurate stories about agriculture,” said Julia Recko, director of education outreach for the Foundation.

Feeding Minds Press’ first book, “Right This Very Minute” by award-winning author Lisl Detlefsen, is about the foods we enjoy in our daily lives and the farmers and ranchers who are working right this very minute to grow it.

Available January 2019, “Right This Very Minute” will be a 32-page picture book geared toward grades K-3rd. It will follow children through an entire day of meals and snacks, with each one emphasizing how critical farmers and agriculture are to our society.

“We hope that through these snapshots showcasing different types of farming, readers can gain an understanding and appreciation for the unique challenges that go into feeding the world,” Recko said.

Feeding Minds Press will publish two to three books per year. In addition, the Foundation will add another dimension to the reading experience by creating educational resources for the books it publishes, making the books great options for classrooms.

If you have an interesting and accurate story to tell children about agriculture, please consider submitting a proposal to Feeding Minds Press. From March 1-31 only, Feeding Minds Press has issued an open call for manuscripts. Learn more here: http://www.feedingmindspress.com/submissions.html