> Farm Bureau® News

FB Advocacy as a Brand



Erin Anthony

Director, Communications

photo credit: AFBF Photo, Philip Gerlach

Erin Anthony

Director, Communications

By Cody Lyon

“A brand is … the product of a thousand small gestures,” according to Michael Eisner, who spent more than 20 years at the helm of Disney, one of the most iconic American brands.

At Farm Bureau, those thousands of “small gestures” are emails, phone calls and meetings through which Farm Bureau members establish relationships with lawmakers, influence policy and ultimately strengthen the FB Advocacy brand.

An organization's true brand lives in the minds of the people who engage with it. And inside the Beltway, Farm Bureau’s brand is advocacy. It’s the gut feeling and first assumptions people have about the group. It’s what people say about us, and how they interact with us.

When combined with lobbing activities, legal advocacy and public relations efforts, FB Advocacy is vital to ensuring the policy recommendations of Farm Bureau’s members become law.

With a grassroots presence in every state, Farm Bureau has the capability to be a national power in nearly every congressional district. When Farm Bureau members from across all 50 states make those small gestures—phone calls, emails and visits—FB Advocacy as a brand grows stronger, as does the organization’s influence on issues crucial to rural America.

Be a part of FB Advocacy. Learn more about us here: https://www.fb.org/advocacy/

Cody Lyon is Director of Advocacy & Political Affairs for the American Farm Bureau Federation.