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Farm State of Mind Launches on AFBF Website

Erin Anthony

Director, Communications

photo credit: Getty Images

Erin Anthony

Director, Communications

New on the American Farm Bureau Federation’s website, the Farm State of Mind campaign aims to reduce stigma surrounding the topic of mental health in rural communities and to provide relevant information to farm families on this important topic.

Farm State of Mind was initially launched by Bayer, which partnered with AFBF earlier this year to announce the transfer of the Farm State of Mind resources to AFBF. Farm Bureau has combined the Farm State of Mind assets with those of its Rural Resilience campaign, expanding the reach and effectiveness of its rural mental health initiatives.

“As a third-generation farmer, I’m familiar with the stress of farm life, and I’ve heard heartbreaking stories as I’ve traveled the country about warning signs missed and loved ones lost,” AFBF President Zippy Duvall said in announcing the transfer in February. “We’d like to thank Bayer for taking the initiative around this important topic and are excited to expand our impact by growing this campaign to connect even more farmers and ranchers with the resources they need.”

Complementing Farm State of Mind is an expansion of AFBF’s Rural Resilience Training Program. Now available to all Farm Bureau members nationwide, the online training program is designed for individuals who interact with farmers and ranchers to help recognize signs of stress and offer resources. The training program was developed by Michigan State University Extension in partnership with the American Farm Bureau Federation, National Farmers Union and Farm Credit.

Farm State of Mind

Rural Resilience Training Program